The Stag Hotel
26 November 2020
The Lyneham Inn
26 November 2020
Malsters Arms
Tuckenhay, England TQ9 7EQ, United Kingdom
Detailed Information

The Maltsters is open all day every day from 9am – 11pm. There is a big log fire in one room with two large tables (The Dart Cabin) and another room (The Map Room) has charts of South Coast Waters and The Channel Islands all over the walls. Both these rooms can accommodate children, who are not permitted in the bar itself or the restaurant. Food is served anywhere in the pub lunchtimes and evenings, but the bar always has Marinated Feta, Olives, Seafood Salad, Pickled Eggs and the ever changing Maltsters Mix on offer. There are loads of games – dominoes, Jenga, Scrabble, chess, Monopoly, shove-halfpenny. We also have a dart board, and something that almost exactly but not quite fails to resemble a dart’s team.

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