The West House is a picturesque secluded public house set in its own grounds on the outskirts of Bridgend. Originally an old manor house, the pub has kept its traditional appearance with log fires, giving it a wonderful warm and cosy atmosphere. We serve a selection draught beer, real ale and spirits for your enjoyment, along with a lovely range of soft drinks for non-drinkers and drivers. Situated on the premises of the pub there is a beer garden and a children’s play area where parents can sip on a refreshing drink during the summer months whilst the children play. For all the sports fanatics we have Sky Sports, Premier Plus, Pay Per View and the Racing Channel and for those who don’t fancy watching the big games and races we have a number of facilities including 2 pool tables, a darts team, golf team, 2 football teams and womens darts team. Functions at the West House are very popular with live music every Friday and Saturday, karaoke every Thursday and quiz night every Sunday. Also on the premises is a spacious car park as well as disabled facilities making it a suitable place for all. So whether you’re looking for a place to start the weekend, or a place to enjoy a quiet drink during the week, The West House is the place to be.